Matt Bagwell
(Registered Nurse)
(541) 565-3500
My goal is to ensure the health and safety of our students at Sherman County School to allow them to have the best education possible.
Please do not send your child to school if they are ill. Below are guidelines that we follow for students to return to school:
If a student has a new cough illness, symptoms must be improving for 24 hours (no cough or cough is well-controlled).
Students with a temperature of 100.4 °F or greater must be fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medication.
Students with stomach illnesses (vomiting or diarrhea) must be symptom free for 48 hours or have an order from a doctor to the school nurse.
Please reach out if you have any questions regarding when your child may return to school.
If your child requires medication during school hours or emergency medications at school please call or email me to arrange to drop them off. A new authorization form must be completed every year and is available in a link at the bottom of this page. Please contact me if your student has a health condition that may affect them at school or their education. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or if I may be of assistance in any way.
Lastly, Oregon law requires that children receive certain immunizations to attend school. Please make sure that you provide the school with your child’s most current immunization records. If your child is not currently up to date on required immunizations, please contact their primary care provider or the local public health department to arrange receiving the immunizations. Please reference the links below for immunization or exemption information.
Stay Healthy Huskies!
Matt Bagwell, BSN, RN
Authorization for Medication Administration by Designated School Personnel
SPANISH Authorization for Medication Administration by Designated School Personnel
This form is provided for parents to use when any medication, prescription or over-the-counter, must be given to a student during school hours. Medication must be brought to school by the parent in its original container with completed paperwork.
Self Medication Agreement
SPANISH Self Medication Agreement
Use this form for students who are developmentally and behaviorally able to self-administer medication at school.
Please make sure that you have provided the school with your child’s most up-to-date immunization records (DTaP/Tdap, Polio, Varicella, MMR, HepA, and HepB).
Oregon School Immunization Requirements 2023-2024
Sherman County School Immunization & Exemption Rate - March 2024
To claim a nonmedical vaccine exemption in Oregon, you must:
Watch the Vaccine Education Module and print out the Vaccine Education Certificate at the end of the module.
Fill out the nonmedical exemption section of the Certificate of Immunization Status form.
Turn in both forms to the school.
Please Keep Students With Symptoms Out of School
Communicable Disease Guidance for Schools - OHA/ODE
Head Lice - Centers for Disease Control
Covid-19 Updates - Oregon Health Authority