The favorite part of my day was… Seeing many of our extracurricular activities in action all in one afternoon. From Gaming Club in Mr. Dearborn’s classroom to the Chess Club running the concession stand during the home volleyball game, to our growing staff ensemble for the national anthem, to our home football game to cap off the night. I love how the school is the hub for the community with a variety of activities offered to students. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
gaming club
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing the community’s commitment to our students’ education when I attended the monthly Education Foundation meeting at the extension office. Connecting with some long-standing Sherman county residents carried some extra meaning for me tonight. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing Mr. Owens serving breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. The kids enjoyed getting their sandwich from the Superintendent. This is just one of many examples of staff pitching in and helping out so far this year. We have a great team. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… These olive fingers at the PTO/Booster meeting this evening. No further explanation needed :) Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Visiting the English 9 class & seeing Mr. Kido working one on one with a student to provide specific constructive feedback, pointing out the strengths & also challenging the student in ways they can take their writing to the next level. Student performance growth is possible with a clearly communicated objective & success criteria, followed by timely feedback. All of the above were evident & in action in my 10-minute visit to this classroom. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Seeing the preschool students out at recess. Talking with one and he asks me “what do you do?” I tell him I’m the principal and I ask him if he’s a student and he says, “no, I work on my black hot rod. I live in Rufus, Oregon.” He then went on to share his full name before turning around and riding his tricycle scooter back inside. Moments like that are impossible not to smile ear to ear. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Gathering with our staff for a staff/family potluck dinner at the Grass Valley park. Big shout out to this lady, Miss Tionie for organizing the meal and helping to bring us all together! Nice way to end another busy, successful day at school. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
Picture Day is tomorrow, Sept. 15!! Bring your picture packet (if you didn't order online) and your best smile. For online orders, go to and enter Picture Day ID - EVT93C6VD.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
The favorite part of my day was… Watching and listening to Mr. Gronberg and Mrs. Berry play the national anthem at our home volleyball game. It is very common and very easy for schools to play a recording of the anthem, but these two chose to go above and beyond their normal workdays and duties to play at our home volleyball games so far this season, and it’s just a bonus that they are both excellent musicians! Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my day was… Watching Ms. Nelson teach. She is our new 2nd grade teacher. She is an outstanding educator with a heart for all students, a perfect fit for Sherman County. We are fortunate to have her! Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
Ms. Nelson
The favorite part of my day was… Delivering gifts to our new staff at the end of their 1st week with students. We have some amazing new educators who have joined our team and are making immediate impact. We are fortunate to have them at Sherman. The other favorite part of my day was watching our Varsity volleyball team make a comeback and beat Wallowa in an exciting finish to game 5. Great week to be a Husky! Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
Join in on the fun! Chess Club starts Monday after school.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
Chess Club
Chess Club
The favorite part of my day was dropping in to see our elementary PE teachers, Mr. Lewis and Mrs. Miller, cheering on and encouraging our lower grades in an intense timed running competition in PE. Word in the halls is the girls teams won every race. Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
My favorite part of the day was dropping in on Varsity volleyball practice and realizing we get to welcome a new kindergarten class to school while also supporting seniors in their path to graduation. A K-12 school is so wonderful to be able to see the students all the way through. Principal Fall EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
The favorite part of my school day was our all-school assembly this afternoon. Seeing our entire student body and staff gathered together and our ASB students leading our assembly was a great end to our 1st day at school and a great start to the year! Principal Fall #EveryKid.EveryDay.100%.
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
K-12 Assembly
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year and our first day of school! My name is Julia Fall and I am your new Sherman County School Principal. I am so excited to be joining this community and partnering with you to serve your students here at Sherman County. Sherman County has a long history of student success and I look forward to working with the staff, students, and community to continue to increase student achievement and success. Back to school night last week was a huge success with a great turnout. To reiterate what I shared that evening, myself and every staff member here at Sherman County care deeply for each student and understand and embrace the responsibility we take on when you send your student to school each day. And because we care for each student, we believe in each student and have high expectations for each student, both academically and behaviorally. We will set the bar high for students, knowing students strive to reach set expectations, and we promise to provide the necessary supports for students who need additional time and support to meet the grade-level standards and expectations. September 28th we will host our first Coffee & Conversation event. This will be an informal time to chat with the Principal and other families, share ideas to improve our school and any current concerns. Plan to bring your questions and suggestions. Stay tuned for more details. If you have any questions or concerns as the year progresses, I want to hear about them. Please contact Ms. Jen Berry or Ms. Tionie Kock in the main office to set up an appointment, whether via phone or in-person. We’re looking forward to a successful year with students. Sincerely, Julia Fall
over 2 years ago, Julia Fall
Julia Fall
We are excited to welcome students back to school for the 2022-23 school year! See your email or the news section of the website for more information.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
Back to School Night Flyer - see news section of website
School and Sports Registration is now open! Please review your email or the website for more information.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
Check out this week's edition of the Husky Highlights.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
Husky Highlights available in news section
Enjoy this week's edition of the Husky Weekly Highlights.
over 2 years ago, Sherman County School
Husky Highlights available in news section